Saint Joseph, Yew Tree
Parish Pastoral Programme
Mass Times
- Sunday Morning Mass: 9.00 am.
- Holy Day Mass: 10:00 am.
Weekday Mass
- Wednesday - 09.30 am.
Mass Request:
Mass Request Envelopes for your intentions are available in Sacristy and at the back of the church. Alternatively, you can send an email to stating the donor, the intention, and the proposed date.
Please note that the Mass request will be published in the Parish News Bulletin and website unless you specifically indicate otherwise. So please endeavour to let us know if you do not want this publication.
First Friday of the Month:
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Confession): 4.15 pm - 5.15 pm. Benediction: 5.15 pm. Mass for the Sick: 5.30 pm.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Sundays: 9.30am - 10.00am First Friday of the month: 4.15 -5.15 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays: 11.30 am - 12.00 pm or by arrangement with the Priest.
Parish Priest: Fr. Sylvester Adeniyi. CSSp.
Parish Priest: Fr. Daniel Adayi CSSp.
Parish Admin Secretary: TBC.
Parish Safeguarding Representatives: TBC.
Sacrament of the Sick
Please contact Parish office on 0121 588 2743 or +44 742 403 1647 to arrange a visit to the sick and housebound members of the parish.
Special Emergencies (Viaticum, Last Rites, etc.)
If a member of the parish requires last rites or viaticum, please let the Hospital Staff call the hospital chaplain immediately and then inform the Parish Priest in case the Chaplain is not available. The Parish Priest will be happy to be contacted and come and minister to the person.
By appointment only. Alternatively email
Infant Baptism
Third Sunday of the month after the 11.00 am Mass or any suitable time arranged with the priest. Please Contact the Parish Office at least one month in advance to arrange.
Infant Baptism Preparatory Class for parents and godparents
Second Sunday of the month after the 11.00 am Mass or any suitable time arranged with the priest.
Please Note:
At least one god-parent must be a practising catholic (Can 874), the other can act as a witness. Parents and god-parents also need to attend a pre-baptism session. This normally takes place on the second Sunday of the month after 11.00 am Mass.
God-parents who are not members of the Parish may be required to present a certificate of suitability from their Parish Priests.
Registration For Infant Baptism:
Application Forms are available in the Sacristy and at the back of the Church. Completed application forms should be returned to the Priest. Parents may be required to present their children's birth certificates.
Couples must consult the priest at least six months before the wedding date.
Are you letting your tax support the parish? It is easy and painless. If you are a UK income taxpayer, your weekly offering can be Gift Aided. This will enable the parish to claim back up to 25% of every pound you give at no extra cost to you. For more details, contact TBC.
Parish Website
The Parish Website, will be updated as often as possible and will include updates for St. Joseph Parish. The Weekly Parish News Bulletin and other updates will be regularly published on the website. You are advised to access the website regularly for updates.
Parish News Bulletin
The Parish News Bulletin will be published every week on the parish website for all West Bromwich parishes. It will contain the Sunday Readings and all necessary information inclusive of notices.
Please send an email to if you want to receive the Parish News Bulletin via email.
Can't find what you are looking for?
Contact Us:
Holy Cross Church, Stone Cross,
Birchfield Way,
WS5 4DS.
Phone: TBA