St. Michael's Groups and Teams
Finance Council
Finance Committee, led by our chairman John Pender, plays a crucial role in managing the financial health and resources of the parish. Our finance team ensures the parish's financial stability and sustainability, enabling the church to continue its mission and serve the community effectively.
Our finance committee presides over;
- Budget Planning - develop and oversee the parish budget, ensuring that financial resources are allocated effectively to support various church activities and programs.
- Financial Reporting - preparing and reviewing financial statements, providing transparency and accountability regarding the parish's financial status.
- Fundraising - organise and coordinate fundraising efforts to support the parish's needs, such as events, campaigns, and other initiatives.
- Expense Management - monitor and manage expenses, ensuring that the parish operates within its financial means and follows best practices for financial stewardship.
- Advising Leadership - provide financial advice and recommendations to our parish priest and other church leaders, helping to guide decision-making processes.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a group of lay members and clergy who work together to support the parish and its mission.
The PPC plays a vital role in fostering a sense of community and ensuring the parish's activities are meaningful and effective. Our PPC is part of the Litchfield and Walsall Deanery that meets regularly. Current lay deanery representatives are Regina and Keith who;
- Will assist in providing input on parish activities, programs, and policies, ensuring they align with the spiritual and pastoral needs of the community.
- Help plan and coordinate parish events, religious education programs, and other activities that foster community involvement.
- Act as a bridge between the parishioners and the church leadership, ensuring that concerns and ideas from the congregation are heard and addressed.
- Assist in developing and promoting the parish's vision and mission, ensuring that the church remains a vibrant and welcoming community.
Our ushers play a vital role in ensuring that the liturgy runs smoothly and that parishioners feel welcome.
Ushers help create a welcoming and organized environment for worship, contributing significantly to the overall experience of the Mass. Our ushers are Gerry and Patrick whose responsibilities are;
- Greeting and Seating - welcome parishioners as they arrive, help them find seats, and ensure that the church is orderly and comfortable.
- Assisting with Collections - manage the collection of donations during the Mass, passing around baskets and ensuring the offerings are safely collected and handled.
- Distributing Bulletins - hand out church bulletins and other materials to parishioners, keeping everyone informed about upcoming events and announcements.
- Guiding Communion Processions - During Communion, help direct the flow of people to ensure the process is smooth and respectful.
- Providing Assistance - available to assist parishioners with special needs, answer questions, and offer support as needed.
Youth Council
Our youth council in a parish is a group of young members who work together to enhance the spiritual, social, and communal life of the youth in the church. They undertake a crucial role in engaging and empowering young members of the parish, helping them to grow in their faith and become active participants in the church community. Katia leads the Youth Council and they;
- They plan and organise youth-focused events such as social gatherings, and community service projects.
- They represent the interests and concerns of the youth to the parish leadership, ensuring their voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes
- They help facilitate programs that encourage the spiritual growth of our young parishioners at St. Michael, including Bible studies, prayer groups, and religious education classes.
- They create a sense of community among the youth by fostering relationships and a sense of belonging within the parish.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are a very special team of people in our parish. Members are children and and may also be adults who have undertaken a serious responsibility, to serve God, their parish and the priest.
Altar Servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence. They should have already received their First Holy Communion and normally receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy.
New altar servers learn where and how to robe in the sacristy, the correct procedure for the procession into the Church and leaving at the end of Mass, how to bow and genuflect and positions they should assume during the course of the service.
Servers will become familiar with liturgical objects, such as the Missal, Lectionary, Lectern, credence table, etc. and also with the tools they will use during Mass, such as candles, cross, thurible, and more.
Guild of St. Stephen Achievement
St Stephen is the Patron Saint of Altar Servers. Servers who have served regularly and well for a period of one year and have mastered the roles of Crucifer, Acolyte Thurifer, Boat and Book Bearer are enrolled into the Guild of St Stephen. They make a commitment to continue to serve regularly and well.
Altar Servers Training
During their time of training, Altar servers learn to do all of the roles that are needed to ensure that the Mass is celebrated properly, and with reverence.
Training sessions take place in the Church throughout the year and if you are interested in becoming an Altar Server, contact Fr. Daniel for the date of the next training session.
Our catechists are dedicated individuals who play a crucial role in teaching and spreading the faith within the parish community. They
are essential in fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Catholic faith, helping parishioners grow spiritually and stay connected to the church community. Odilia N. and Keith U. currently assist with First Holy Communion and assist with;
- Religious Education - teach the principles and teachings of the Catholic faith to children, teenagers, and adults through classes and programs.
- Sacramental Preparation - help prepare candidates for receiving sacraments.
- Developing Materials - distribute educational materials and resources to enhance the learning experience.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC), assist the priest in distributing the Body and the Blood of Christ at Mass, to the sick at home and in the hospitals also to the housebound.
They are termed “Extraordinary Ministers” to distinguish them from the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (bishops, priests and deacons). They are invited to serve in this ministry at the invitation of the parish priest and with the approval of the Bishop.
All ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanour, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread or wine.
St. Michael's Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Regina
- Norman
- Odilia
St. Michael's lectors, also known as readers, are individuals who proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy. Their primary role is to read scripture passages, usually from the Old Testament and the New Testament excluding the Gospel, during Mass.
Lectors play a vital role in making the Word of God accessible to the congregation and enhancing the liturgical experience. Lectors also lead the congregation in responsorial psalms and bidding prayers.
To join or volunteer, please contact Arlene.
Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy, often referred to as "Children's Liturgy of the Word," is a special session held separately from the main congregation at the start of the Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass. The gathering is designed to help young children understand and participate in the Mass. Our special liturgy leaders presents the Word of God in a way that is accessible and engaging for children, often using simpler language and interactive activities such as songs, creating artworks that reflect scripture messages and prayers tailored to the readings. They encourage children to actively participate in the liturgy, fostering a sense of inclusion and community which helps in the spiritual growth and faith formation of young members of our church.
The children then rejoin the main congregation for the Liturgy of the Eucharist, bringing with them a deeper understanding of the Word of God.
St. Michael Liturgy Leaders:
- Vivian
- Regina
- Ify
The Parish Choir
The St. Michael Choir has been in its present form since 2010, under our choirmaster, Sherwin. With the parish pianist, Rizza, and guitarist, Norman. The choir sing every first Sunday of the month at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass and at other liturgies throughout the year.
Our aim is to provide a lead for the congregation’s participation in singing the Mass. We practice every first Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in the church hall. Please come and join us to serve and praise the Lord.
No Auditions Required!
All are welcome, regardless of musical experience. Whether you're a seasoned singer or just starting out, we have a place for you!